------------------------------------------------------------------------ DOS Utilities v1 DS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A collection of DOS tools and helpers to keep your housekeeping chores from getting out of hand. CAPS COM Turn caps lock on from a batch file CAPS DOC Documentation file CLOCK COM Digital clock on upper right of screen CLOCK DOC Documentation file DISKPARK DOC Documentation file DISKPARK EXE Hard disk head parking DOSHELP BAT DOS syntax reference GLOBALS LBR Do path calls with data files GLOBALS DOC Documentation file IPLTIME COM Easy way to get time and date KBDBUF COM 160 character keyboard buffer KBDBUF DOC Documentation file PCWINDOW COM Notepad, alarm clock, ASCII table - Sidekickish PCWINDOW DOC Documentation file PEACOCK COM Dynamic notepad PEACOCK DOC Documentation file RAMTEST COM Good memory checker RAMTEST DOC Documentation file SDIR5 COM Menu driven DOS helper with file management tool SDIR5 DOC Documentation file SPEEDKEY COM Double your curser speed SPEEDKEY DOC Documentation file FFM EXE Dual menu DOS command helper FILES COM Intellegent DIR command FILES DOC Documentation file FILES PAS Pascal source code LIST2DAY COM List all files created today SECRET DOC Create and control secret directories MDSECRET COM Makes secret sub-directory RDSECRET COM Removes secret sub-directory CDSECRET COM Goes to secret sub-directory